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Sochi Autodrom

The 16th race of the 2019 Formula 1 took place at Sochi Autodrom. It was Russia’s 6th Grand Prix for Formula 1.

What’s most striking about this race track is a lengthy third turn — a 650-meter curve. It’s considered to be the longest on the Formula 1 calendar. Its negative angle sets a great challenge to racers.
Sochi Autodrom


Dynamic, exciting, adrenaline-filled — the real spirit of Formula 1 we had to communicate in design, and we seem to have succeeded.

Motion Design

In motion graphics we tried to convey real dynamics of a racing car so that the audience felt an urge to fasten a seatbelt tight right at the first stage. In our work we were guided by the brand book provided by the client, which, however, by no means limited our creativity in any way.



To drive the ticket purchasing activity via social media.


Four types of sales cycles via social media were generated. All four sold out.

Regular activities included:

— awareness building, for which dynamic and static communication channels with references were detailed;
— assessment and following, with triggers for each micro segment;
— sales, for which communication messages, content-marketing strategy, targeting strategy, strategy for working with influencers were developed;
— loyalty loop ensuring follow-up sales and cross-sell (other services offered by the race track, ticket upgrade).

Project completed
Артём Тимов
Игорь Платонов
Управляющий проектом
Наташа Князева
Евгений Медведев
Дизайн / Motion-дизайн
Катя Кокина
Никита Хромов
Мария Великосельская
Работа с блогерами


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